Myriam Adams interview

Earlier this week I had a chat with frontman Jacques Hete from the alternative band 'Myriam Adams' who have just released their debut EP, featuring their two previously released singles, as well as three great new tracks. For a debut EP from a young band it's pretty strong and it's really clear that they're passionate about what they're making. I could definitely say more about this band but it's probably better hearing it from the guys themselves...

Did you want to start with telling me something about you guys and the band?

We are an Indie/Alternative band called Myriam Adams, formed by Frontman Jacques Hete, Freddie Hammond, Archie Shanahan, Ethan Thomas, Marley Staite, and Scott Holland. 

So I’m right in saying you’ve got a new EP out right? When did you start producing it and how was the process?

Yes, our new EP is titled “I Think I Might Die” (which also happens to be the title of the first single of it). This is our first EP as a band, so it was definitely an interesting experience. We started around December, so it’s been more or less a 6 months progress.

And how’s the feedback been so far?

It’s been pretty good. People seem to be enjoying it and it’s definitely kinda weird as all these songs come from quite a personal place, it’s quite nice to see it finally out there.

Yeah it must be pretty daunting to put such personal stuff out there and know that anyone can hear it!

It definitely is. But it’s still quite a nice feeling. The theme of this EP is really kind of a reaction to the process of growing up and being a teenager and we do feel like it’s quite an honest expression of how I felt when I wrote those songs and the way the band interpreted it.

Yeah it’s cool to make music about themes so many others can relate to while also keeping it personal.

Thank you, we do hope that people can relate to our songs in some way.

So what’s next for the band?

The EP’s only been out for around 3 days, so a lot of what’s next consists of promoting that and hopefully reaching more people. Today we are releasing a music video for one of the songs called “I Want To Punch My Brain In The Face” and we have a couple of other videos coming out throughout the next few weeks. We are also focusing a lot of our work on live performances as it’s probably what we love the most. We are performing at Mello Festival on the 26th of May, we are also in the final of a battle of the bands in Coventry to gain a place on the main stage at Godiva Festival (which would be mad) and have a couple more things coming up that we will be announcing soon. 

Wow that is mad, maybe I'll see you at Godiva.

Fingers crossed!

Who would you say your music is influenced by?

Well we all have quite different influences when it comes to the music we make. We are inspired by current Alternative/Indie bands, but we are also hugely inspired by a lot of 80s music (Talking Heads, The cure, Michael Jackson, The Smiths...), R’n’B with artists such as D’Angelo or Frank Ocean and more ambient kind of music such as M83. But yeah, we just like a lot of music.

I hear a bit of the 1975’s style in a couple of your tracks, are any of you fans of them?

Yeah, I like what they’re doing at the moment quite a lot. I think they’re definitely very influential to the current “Indie Band” music scene.

Yeah it’s nice that they stand out from a lot of typical indie bands where there’s definitely a risk of sounding too similar, I like that you guys have a lot of different influences and that really reflects in the variety of your songs I think.

Thanks so much! It means a lot.

To finish off then, you’ve sort of already answered it but who would you recommend your music to?

I’d say anyone that’s into indie music that’s a bit “angsty” at times and yeah, people that are into the “band culture”

And which song would you recommend listening to first?

Probably 'I Want To Punch My Brain In The Face' or if not 'I Think I Might Die'. I feel like they represent what we are about quite well. 

Nice, thanks for chatting with me!

No worries! It’s been a pleasure.

Thank you again to Jacques for chatting with me, as you can see it's a pretty exciting time for Myriam Adams and I'm really excited for what they do next. You can watch their new music video for 'I Want To Punch My Brain In The Face' here and check out the EP on spotify here
